Back in December of 2000, I was temporarily separated from my entire family living in Baltimore, MD. I was there waiting for the arrival of our 2nd child and first son Larry Denzil Roberts III. Because of his cloacal exstrophy which was diagnosed in utero at 17 weeks, I had to be near the top specialist at Johns Hopkins. Larry was not due till Jan 24, 2001, but my local OBGYN was not comfortable having me so far away from the specialist (8hours away). He felt it was better to ship me away from my home and family during the holidays. I told everyone, I felt like a teenager with an unwanted pregnancy who had to hide till the birth of her child. It was a very sad and lonely time for me. On Friday, December 29, 2000 I was alone at the Children's House just a block away from the hospital. That evening I spoke to Larry on the phone. It was a long weekend and Larry had a bad cold so he decided to stay home and get some rest. He would come up the next weekend to see me. We did not...
10 Feet of Trouble