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10 Wonderful Years

On April 20, 1999, a beautiful little girl joined our family.
She was born on a tuesday at 11:36 AM.
Weighing 7 pounds 14 1/2 ounces and being 21 inches long.
I can remember the midwife showing her to me before the nursery
took her to suck out her lungs.  There was
a little meconium scare, but all was well.
I also remember that in all the craziness of everything,
for 10 minutes or longer, Larry did not even know what we had.
He did not hear them say girl and asked the midwife.
She just giggled at his first time father silliness.

Look at my girl and all that hair.
Her hair was so thick and long, you could put it in
pony tails the day she was born.

Happy New Year.  
I took this picture at the stroke of midnight 
on January 1, 2000.
We were staying in a cabin with our dear 
friends the Dietrich's.
This was the last bit of any normalcy in our lives.
It was that morning, that Savannah had
her first seizure.

Here we are at the Children's House in Baltimore, MD.
This is where I lived for what seemed like eternity.
I was separated from my home and my family during this time.
This was the first time, Savannah and I were ever
separated.  I did not know how to function without her.
I think I got to see her for 2 weeks in three months
and a brief Christmas holiday.  It was tough, but
I was in the place where little Larry would receive the absolute best care.

Larry's homecoming and mine, on March 10, 2001.
It was so good to finally be home with my
little girl and my beautiful little boy.

A fun day at Central Park in Ashland, KY.
Savannah was not even 2 years old and could hang
on these bars for minutes at a time.

A wonderful Easter morning together.
Later this night, Savannah had to be taken to the ER
because of her seizures.  It was such a difficult time.
I think it was one of 4 times that she was hospitalized
for a week or longer.  She actually spent her
2nd birthday in the pediatric floor of Cabell Huntington.

A 3rd birthday for a princess.

Savannah's favorite dress.
Now Ruby's very favorite.
I just had to add this picture.

Savannah's preschool days
at June Buchanan
on the Alice Lloyd College Campus.
I loved this school.
This day, they wore pajamas to school
and had their hair and nails done.
Savannah is the 3rd one from the bottom right.

Savannah's first need for stitches.  When Savannah was in 
kindergarten, she fell off the school bus on school grounds
and hit the asphalt.  She had a tiny pebble impaled
in her forehead.  I was at an appointment so they called Larry
to come and get her.  He took her to the ER and pulled the
tiny pebble out.  She just needed 3 little stitches.
The funny part is I get home and hear a message
from the school telling me she had a fall.  
Then, the nurse goes on to say there is a 
rock stuck in your child's forehead.
I am imagining the worse.
Thankfully it was a tiny little pebble
that happened to have a 
pointy end.

Here is Savannah's first day of Kindergarten
back in August 2004.  She attended Dawson Bryant
Elementary school in Coal Grove, OH.
It was the same school her daddy went to more than 30 years ago.
She had a new teacher named Ms Blair.

Savannah lost her first tooth
on Mothers Day in 2006.
She was a ripe old 7 years.
The boys were 5 and 6 when they started losing
baby teeth.

Savannah's Baptism was such a huge event in
our household.  I sewed her baptism
gown in hopes that she would some day have
her three white dresses.
That is her blessing gown hanging in the back ground.
It was made
by her grandmother Priest.

My dear friend Mark was able to attend Savannah's
baptism.  He attended her blessing as well.
Both times, he was invited to stand in her circle.
Mark baptized me many moons ago
on November 7, 1992 when we
were college students at the
University of Kentucky.
We have been close friends ever since.

Larry has waited for this day since Savannah
was born.  Savannah was thrilled to death
to be the first child in our family
to be baptized.

Our happy family outside the Asheville
Central Branch building
immediately following Savannah's

Savannah and the circle of men
who helped confirm her a member of 
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Here is Savannah getting her ears pierced for her 8th birthday.
When she was 3, she had asked me for "real"
earrings.  I told her, when she was 8, if she still wanted them,
she could have her ears pierced.

Savannah has been in the girl scouting program since
2004.  She joined in Kindergarten as a 
Daisy.  She is now spending her last year
as a Brownie.  Next school year she will be a junior girl scout.

The last few months have been a blur with doctors appointments
and the unknown, but we have survived.  Savannah
has survived.  Starting in the middle of february,
Savannah would have a flurry of grand mal seizures
once a week.  It was extremely rough watching her
go through them and not know what to do for her. 
 This lasted for just over a month.  It felt so
much longer.  I missed her so much because each day she would sleep
or just lay around.  It was a difficult time for her
because she had to relearn simple things as well as
try to recover from the seizures.
Now my girl is back and better than ever.
I am going to cherish every
moment with her and just
appreciate her.
Happy 10th Birthday Savannah Yuki.
I Love You.

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